Thursday Jun 30th
- 11:00 - 11:30 Registration
- 11:30 - 12:00 Opening session
12:00 - 13:00 Keynote lecture: Prof. Cinzia Daraio "Modelling Choices in the Assessment of the Efficiency of Education: Parametric specification, Heterogeneity and Latent Factors"
Place: Auditório CVC - 13:00 - 13:30 Coffee break
- 13:30 - 15:30 Parallel Sessions 1
- 15:30 - 16:30 Lunch
- 17:00 - 19:00 Parallel Sessions 2
- 19:00 - 19:30 Coffee break
- 19:30 - 21:30 Parallel Sessions 3
- 22:00 - 01:00 Welcome cocktail in Herança Magna
Friday Jul 1st
11:00 - 12:00 AEDE General Assembly
Place: Sala 10 - 12:00 - 13:30 Parallel Sessions 4
- 13:30 - 14:00 Coffee break
14:00 - 15:00 Keynote lecture: Prof. Stephen Machin "Education and Crime: What do we know?"
Place: Auditório CVC - 15:30 - 16:30 Lunch
- 17:00 - 19:00 Parallel Sessions 5
- 19:00 - 19:30 Coffee break
- 19:30 - 21:00 Parallel Sessions 6
- 21:00 - 21:30 Closing session
- 22:30 - 01:00 Gala dinner in Hotel Carris Porto Ribeira
Thursday Jun 30th 13:30 - 15:30
Política educativa (1)
Language: Spanish
Session Chair: José Manuel Cordero Ferrera
Room: Sala 5
Desafío de los estudiantes ante la enseñanza virtual emergente
- Pamela Macias Alvarez
- Nancy Maricela González Robles
La contribución de la universidad en el logro de los ODS 10 y 5. El caso de la Universitat d’Andorra
- Montserrat Casalprim Ramonet
- Betlem Sabrià Bernadó
¿Trabajo significativo o no significativo? El caso del egresado universitario español
- Antonio Molina-García
- Juan Antonio Campos Soria
- Julio Diéguez Soto
Efectividad de medidas de política educativa para fomentar la demanda de educación universitaria de calidad en Colombia
- José Manuel Cordero Ferrera
- Carlos Giovanni González Espitia
Efficiency in education
Language: English
Session Chair: Giovanna D'Inverno
Room: Sala 6
The effect of ICT on schools' efficiency: Empirical evidence for 23 European Countries
- Anna Mergoni
Educational equity in the OECD: a multidimensional analysis using composite indicators
- Giovanna D'Inverno
- Cristina Polo Fernández
- Gabriela Sicilia
- Rosa Simancas Rodríguez
Is your school really better than mine? An innovative proposal to perform school efficiency evaluation in a more fair way
- Giovanna D'Inverno
- Antonio Peyrache
- Gabriela Sicilia
What lies behind the rankings of the world’s top universities? A financial and accounting perspective
- Alessandro Avenali
- Cinzia Daraio
- Simone Di Leo
- Joanna Wolszczak-Derlacz
Education and gender (1)
Language: English
Session Chair: Catarina Angelo
Room: Sala 1
Understanding the gender gap. A random forest approach.
- Anna Mergoni
- Mara Soncin
- Chiara Masci
- Marta Cannistrà
- Alice Bertoletti
- Melisa Diaz Lema
- Lidia Rossi
Gender Segregation in Early Educational STEM Related Choices
- Luis Diaz Serrano
Is it always an advantage to be competitive? Gender, degrees of competitiveness and dropouts from apprenticeships
- Stefan C. Wolter
- Samuel Luethi
Impact of Early High-Stakes Assessment in Student Achievement
- Catarina Angelo
- Ana Balcão Reis
Determinants of academic performance (1)
Language: English
Session Chair: Alice Bertoletti
Room: Sala 10
A general proposal for model-free difference-in-differences: Human capital responses to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program
- Daniel Henderson
- Stefan Sperlich
Forced Displacement and Educational Achievement in Bogota’s Public Schools
- Silvia Gomez
Still Waters Run Deep: Groundwater Arsenic Contamination and Education Outcomes in India
- Khushboo Aggarwal
- Marian Vidal-Fernandez
- Rashmi Barua
The effect of school closure on students’ learning loss: The case of Italy
- Alice Bertoletti
- Marta Cannistrà
- Mara Soncin
- Tommaso Agasisti
Thursday Jun 30th 17:00 - 19:00
Higher education (1)
Language: English
Session Chair: Pedro Luis Silva
Room: Sala 5
Does financial literacy influence the undergraduates’ entrepreneurial intention? Exploring the mediating effect of risk-taking propensity
- Antonio Molina-García
- Rubén Martínez Alonso
- María J. Martínez-Romero
- Julio Diéguez Soto
The impact of financial literacy on the undergraduates' risk-taking propensity
- Antonio Molina-García
- Ana José Cisneros Ruiz
- María Deseada López Subires
- Julio Diéguez Soto
Teacher high school scores or admission exams: what matters for elite and non-elite HE courses?
- Carla Sá
- Pedro Nuno Teixeira
- Ricardo Biscaia
- Pedro Luís Silva
Determinantes del rendimiento educativo (1)
Language: Spanish
Session Chair: Jose García Clavel
Room: Sala 6
Los Efectos del Nuevo Sistema de Admisión Escolar en la Educación Escolar Pública en Chile
- Victor Fuentes
- Felipe Recabal
- Leidy Y. Garcia
Diferencias regionales del abandono escolar temprano en España: Un análisis por sexo (2002-2020)
- Martín Martín-González
- Sara M. González-Betancor
- Carmen Pérez-Esparrells
Una medida del efecto múltiple de la actitud de la familia ante la lectura
- Jose García Clavel
- Mauro Mediavilla
Efectos del COVID-19 en el mercado laboral de México
- María Olga González Morales
- Lilia Alonso Gutiérrez
Determinants of academic performance (2)
Language: English
Session Chair: Luis Alejandro Lopez-Agudo
Room: Sala 1
The Causal Effect of Education on Disability
- Cristina Borra Marcos
- Noelia Rivera Garrido
Perseverance, passion, and poverty: Examining the association between grit and reading achievement in high-poverty schools in South Africa
- Heleen Hofmeyr
Predicting dropout in higher education in two European countries: exploring the common element between the Netherlands and Italy
- Melvin Vooren
- Melisa Diaz Lema
- Marta Cannistrà
Grade retention and academic performance: a difficult relationship?
- Luis Alejandro Lopez-Agudo
- María Ladrón de Guevara Rodríguez
- Oscar David Marcenaro Gutierrez
Education policy (2)
Language: English
Session Chair: João Firmino
Room: Sala 10
EFFECTS OF SCHOOL CLOSURES IN PORTUGAL: The termination of public-funded private school contracts
- André Guilherme
- Afonso Camara Leme
- Luis Catela-Nunes
- João Firmino
Classroom Peer Effects: what can schools do about it
- João Firmino
Children left behind New evidence on the (negative) impact of grade retention on educational careers
- Dalit Contini
The Multidimensional Nature of Student Segregation: The Case of Public Schools in Portugal
- João Firmino
- Luis Catela-Nunes
- Sílvia Almeida
- Susana Batista
Thursday Jun 30th 19:30 - 21:30
Determinants of academic performance (3)
Language: English
Session Chair: Claudia Prieto Latorre
Room: Sala 5
The Colombian Test Score Puzzle
- Gloria Bernal
Ideal Internet usage and academic achievement: finding the right balance
- María Ladrón de Guevara Rodríguez
- Luis Alejandro Lopez-Agudo
- Claudia Prieto Latorre
- Oscar David Marcenaro Gutierrez
Teachers' Subject Knowledge, Didactic Skills, and Student Learning in Francophone Sub-Saharan Africa
- Jan Bietenbeck
- Natalie Irmert
- Mohammad Sepahvand
An analysis of parental satisfaction with school
- John Jerrim
- Claudia Prieto Latorre
- Luis Alejandro Lopez-Agudo
- Oscar David Marcenaro Gutierrez
Education and gender (2)
Language: English
Session Chair: Carla Henriques
Room: Sala 6
Assessment Type and Gender
- Pedro Albarran
- Marianna Battaglia
- Marcello Sartarelli
Gender Differences in Education and Labor Market Outcomes: The role of statistical discrimination and human capital accumulation.
- Russell Cooper
- Carla Varona Cervantes
Gender gap in Math and Language: The bias of competitive tests
- Oscar Arias
- Catalina Canals
- Francisco Meneses
- Alejandra Mizala
On the trade-offs between cognitive and non-cognitive skills: the Spanish case
- Oscar David Marcenaro Gutierrez
- Luis Alejandro Lopez-Agudo
- Carla Henriques
Determinantes del rendimiento académico (4)
Language: Spanish
Session Chair: Geovanny Castro Aristizabal
Room: Sala 1
Impacto de los choques climáticos sobre los resultados educativos en los municipios de Colombia
- Libardo Rojas Velásquez
- Paola Andrea Palacios Rojas
Las prácticas curriculares en empresas y su impacto en la inserción laboral de los graduados españoles
- Gisela Amanda Di Meglio
- Andrés Barge Gil
- Ester Camiça Centeno
- Jorge Gallego
- Lourdes Moreno Martín
Acceso al nivel secundario: ¿incrementar los años de escolaridad obligatoria o modificar la modalidad?
- Guadalupe Lamelas-Fabro
- Facundo Quiroga Martínez
Desigualdades en la educación cívica y ciudadana entre los países latinoamericanos y europeos: un análisis a partir de los resultados del ICSS 2016
- Geovanny Castro Aristizabal
- Juan Pablo Sánchez Celi
Friday Jul 1st 12:00 - 13:30
Education and labor market (1)
Language: English
Session Chair: Mauro Mediavilla
Room: Sala 5
A Cross-Cultural Perspective on Business Students’ Entrepreneurial Intention: The role of psychological traits
- Busra Tuncer
- Faruk SAHIN
Individualism, Human Capital Formation, and Labor Market Success
- Katharina Hartinger
- Sven Resnjanskij
- Jens Ruhose
- Simon Wiederhold
Educational production function
Language: English
Session Chair: Pedro Freitas
Room: Sala 6
Does It Pay to Attend Elite High Schools? Evidence from China
- Bin Huang
- Bo Li
- Ian Walker
- Yu Zhu
Resilience, education and wages
- Iván Vicente Carrión
- José M. Pastor
- Ángel Soler Guillen
The Educational Impacts of a Major School Infrastructure Programme: Causal Evidence from Portugal
- Pedro Freitas
- Greta Schnaack
- Susana Peralta
Education and inequality (1)
Language: English
Session Chair: Melline Somers
Room: Sala 1
The housing market and school choice in Sweden
- Fredrik Andersson
- Axel Norgren
- Karl Wennberg
Sources of inequality in Portugal's educational achievement
- Beatriz Casaca César
- Ricardo Colaço
- Pedro Freitas
The effects of early tracking on relative age effects in education
- Melline Somers
Friday Jul 1st 17:00 - 19:00
Education policy (3)
Language: English
Session Chair: Sara González Betancor
Room: Sala 5
Scalable early warning systems for school dropout prevention: Evidence from a 4.000-school randomized controlled trial
- Francisco Haimovich
- Emmanuel Vazquez
- Melissa Adelman
The impact of education subsidies on attainment in Indonesia
- Rajius Idzalika
- Inmaculada Martinez-Zarzoso
School socioeconomic context and student achievement: A heterogeneous analysis using Ireland’s PISA 2018 data
- Darragh Flannery
- Jose García Clavel
- Lorraine Gilleece
Effect of Teacher Transfers on Student Learning: Evidence from Haryana
- Abhiroop Mukhopadhyay
- Aparajita Dasgupta
- Akanksha Aggarwal
Higher education (2)
Language: English
Session Chair: Catarina Ângelo
Room: Sala 6
Mapping the occupations of recent graduates. The role of academic baggage
- Helena Corrales-Herrero
- Beatriz Rodriguez-Prado
Designing Assessment and Measuring Longitudinal Student Performance in the School of Business
- Miguel Vicens
- Rosario Ortiz Rodriguez
- Ivan Ibarra Sanchez
Major Outcomes: Do Foreign Undergraduate Students Impact Major Choices at U.S. Colleges and Universities?
- Murat Demirci
- Sarah E. Turner
The Impact of the Evaluation Scheme in Students’ Achievement
- Ana Carolina Alves Martins
- Ana Balcão Reis
- Catarina Angelo
Determinants of academic performance (5)
Language: English
Session Chair: Ana Balcão Reis
Room: Sala 1
Impact of Bullying on Academic Performance in Spain
- Gisela Carolina Rusteholz
- Mauro Mediavilla
Social interactions of international students and their role for academic progress
- Fabian Koenings
- Julia Peter
- Silke Uebelmesser
Measuring school quality in Portugal: A value-added approach
- Ricardo Colaço
- Pedro Freitas
- Luis Catela-Nunes
- Ana Balcão Reis
The Impact of Commuting Higher Education Students’ Academic Performance
- Marcia Serra
- Pedro Freitas
Education policy (4)
Language: English
Session Chair: Marta Simoes
Room: Sala 10
Predicting Dropout from Higher Education: Evidence from Italy.
- Marco Delogu
- Raffaele Lagravinese
- Giuliano Resce
- Dimitri Paolini
The impact of socio-economic and educational background on expectations and concerns towards students’ international mobility
- Valeria Caviezel
- Anna Maria Falzoni
- Sebastiano Vitali
The Birth Order Effect Revisited: The Role Of Expectations, Aspirations And Non-Cognitive Abilities During The Adolescence
- Luis Diaz Serrano
- Cristina Valentina Heghes
Human capital formation in OECD countries: the role of welfare state composition
- Marcelo Santos
- Marta Simoes
- Sílvia Sousa
Friday Jul 1st 19:30 - 21:00
Education and inequality (2)
Language: English
Session Chair: Álvaro Choi de Mendizábal
Room: Sala 5
Teacher Tenure and School Performance: Evidence from Centralized Recruitment of Teachers in Costa Rica
- Erich Battistin
- Melissa Vega Monge
Teacher recruitment and educational inequality
- Valeria Lentini Gilli
- Gregorio Giménez Esteban
- Javier Valbuena
Income-based scholarships and access to higher education
- Álvaro Choi de Mendizábal
- Guilherme Strifezzi
Education and labor market (2)
Language: English
Session Chair: Jhon James Mora Rodriguez
Room: Sala 6
Labor Market Implications of Education Mismatch
- Russell Cooper
- Carla Varona Cervantes
Post-Compulsory Schooling of Youth in Turkey: A Case of Pro-cyclical Enrollment
- Murat Demirci
- Meltem Poyraz Demirci
Schooling, Migration and Social Violence in Colombia
- Jhon James Mora Rodriguez
- Andres Felipe Cuadros-Menaca
Determinantes del rendimiento académico (6)
Language: Spanish
Session Chair: Luz Karime Abadia
Room: Sala 1
Inclusión Financiera en Colombia, un enfoque sobre educación económica y financiera
- Miguel Angel Saenz Perez
- Emily Abigail Afanador Quintero
- Ludwing Leandro Hernandez Basto
- Geovanny Castro Aristizabal
Exploring the determinants of financial literacy among Spanish young population in PISA 2018
- José Manuel Cordero Ferrera
- María Gil Izquierdo
- Lucía Mateos Romero
- Francisco Pedraja Chaparro
Are non-cognitive factors predictors of math performance of girls and boys? A Machine Learning approach
- Luz Karime Abadia
- Gloria Bernal
- Alberto Sasmay
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